thank u, next vs. 7 rings

+8 votos
790 visitas
perguntou 5 Out, 2019 em Charts por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)


thank u, next by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (7x) | Weeks: 44 (21 on Top 5)

Streams: 978.156.610

Pure Sales: 3,294,000 | SPS: 9,842,000


7 rings by Ariana Grande

Peak: #1 (7x) | Weeks: 37 (21 on Top 5)

Streams: 972.181.310

Pure Sales: 3,114,000 | SPS: 9,622,000


No seu país, qual das duas hitou mais?

5 Respostas

+3 votos
respondida 5 Out, 2019 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)

Resultado de imagem para thank u next
thank u, next by Ariana Grande

Streams: +892,200,000

Pure Sales: 9,140,000 | SPS: 12,184,400

7 rings by Ariana Grande

Streams: +600,600,000

Pure Sales: 3,100,000 | SPS: 5,137,520


+2 votos
respondida 5 Out, 2019 por LucGab95 (56,820 pontos)

Resultado de imagem para thank u, next gif
thank u, next
Pure sales:
SPS: 2,704,000
Peak: #2 (3x)
Weeks: 20
Certificate: 2x platinum

Imagem relacionada
7 Rings
Pure sales:
SPS: 11,338,000
Peak: #1 (6x)
Weeks: 31
Certificate: 11x platinum

+3 votos
respondida 5 Out, 2019 por Samuraix32 (311 pontos)
Aqui, Thank You, next reinou ficando 3 semanas seguida em #1. 7 Rings meu país ñ gostou muito. Out.
+2 votos
respondida 5 Out, 2019 por itmarinhop (9,130 pontos)
PEAK #1 (1x)#25
SPS1.860.000 sps444.000 sps
SEMANAS16 w6 w

+1 voto
respondida 5 Out, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)

thank u, next
, Ariana Grande
peak #1 (4 weeks) | 33 weeks on chart
6,613,000 (304k pure sales)

7 rings
, Ariana Grande
peak #1 (for 7 weeks) | 37 weeks on chart
7,845,000 (540k pure sales)

7 rings is the biggest hit of the year, either in pure sales and SPS. it's also the song with more weeks at number 1 of all-time.

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