Lover - Taylor Swift (Update)

+13 votos
1,275 visitas
perguntou 28 Set, 2019 em Charts por LucGab95 (56,820 pontos)

Lover by Taylor Swift
Pure sales:
SPS: 2,260,000
Peak: #1 (8x)
Weeks: 9
Chart-run: 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Certificate: 2x platinum


ME! - feat. Brendon Urie
Pure sales: 
SPS: 11,816,000
Peak: #1 (6x)
Weeks: 21
Certificate: 11x platinum


You Need To Calm Down
Pure sales:
SPS: 6,926,000
Peak: #1 (7x)
Weeks: 15
Certificate: 6x platinum


Resultado de imagem para lover taylor swift gif
Pure sales: 
SPS: 868,000
Peak: #1 (1x)
Weeks: 4
Certificate: Gold



#1 (5x) - Miss Americana & Heartbreak Prince - 2,030,000
#1 (2x) - The Archer - 3,072,000

#2 (2x) - London Boy - 1,378,000
#3 (1x) - The Man - 836,000
#4 (1x) - Cornelia Street - 1,050,000
#4 (1x) - Papers Rings - 1,000,000
#5 (2x) - Death By a Thousand Cuts - 1,008,000
#6 (1x) - Cruel Summer - 886,000
#7 (1x) - False God - 866,000
#7 (1x) - Soon You'll Get Better -738,000
#8 (1x) - It's Nice To Have a Friend - 728,000
#9 (3x) - Afterglow - 924,000
#11 (1x) - Daylight - 742,000
#12 (2x) - I Forget That You Existed - 674,000
#13 (1x) - I Think You Know - 744,000

Quanto já vendeu no seu chart?

4 Respostas

+4 votos
respondida 29 Set, 2019 por LeozinFN (1,663 pontos)
selecionada 1 Out, 2019 por LucGab95
Melhor resposta

Lover, by Taylor Swift

Imagem relacionada

Pure sales: 1.720.000
SPS: 2.960.000
Peak: #1 (2x)
Weeks: 6
Chart-run: 3 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 14
Certificate: 2x Platinum



Resultado de imagem para ME!

ME! (feat. Brendon Urie)
Pure sales: 
SPS: 2.895.000
Peak: #1 (2x)
Weeks: 14
Certificate: 2x Platinum


Resultado de imagem para you need to calm down

You Need To Calm Down
Pure sales: 
SPS: 1.440.000
Peak: #3
Weeks: 8
Certificate: 1x Platinum


Imagem relacionada

Pure sales: 
SPS: 1.345.000
Peak: #5
Weeks: 5
Certificate: 1x Platinum



#1 (1x) - The Man - 1.200.000

#3 - The Archer - 720.000

#4 - Cruel Summer - 935.000

#5 - I Think He Knows - 1.100.000

#8 London Boy - 745.000

#10 False God - 635.000

#16 - Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince - 495.000

#20 - It's Nice To Have a Friend - 295.000

#20 - I Forgot That You Existed - 290.000

#24 - Soon You'll Get Better - 435.000

#31 - Death By a Thousand Cuts - 295.000

#34 - Cornelia Street - 225.000

#40 - Paper Rings - 110.000

#50 - Afterglow - 230.000

OUTS: Daylight

comentou 29 Set, 2019 por lucas_cantos (22,299 pontos)
A perfeição Daylight estar out é crime kkk
+3 votos
respondida 29 Set, 2019 por Deleted user (24,305 pontos)

1* - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1


963.000 SPS


#1 ME! - 3.862.000

#1 You Need To Calm Down - 3.398.000

#1 (6x) Lover - 1.740.000

#3 (2x) The Archer - 1.768.000

#16 Cruel Summer - 220.000

#17 False God - 286.000

#21 The Man - 140.000

#24 London Boy - 144.000

#26 Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - 100.000

#27 Soon You'll Get Better - 98.000

#28 Cornelia Street - 106.000

#35 Afterglow - 72.000

#36 Death by a Thousand Cuts - 80.000

#37 Paper Rings - 78.000

#38 I Think He Knows - 66.000

#39 I Forgot That You Need - 64.000

#40 Daylight - 62.000

#41 It's Nice To Have A Friend - 60.000

+2 votos
respondida 29 Set, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)

Lover, Taylor Swift
peak #1 (3x) | 5 weeks on chart
chart-run 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 
1,884,000 SPS (1,140,000 pure sales)

#1 ME!
21 weeks on chart | 3,4M | 3x platinum

#1 You Need To Calm Down
14 weeks on chart | 3,5M | 3x platinum

#5 The Archer
10 weeks | 1,8M | platinum

#2 Lover 
6 weeks on chart | 1,1M | platinum

#1 The Man | platinum
#1 Cruel Summer | platinum
#3 London Boy | platinum
#4 Cornelia Street | platinum
#5 I Think He Knows | Gold
#6 Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince | platinum
#7 Paper Rings | platinum
#12 Afterglow
#14 I Forgot That You Existed
#15 False God
#32 Death By A Thousand Cuts


+2 votos
respondida 29 Set, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)

Lover by Taylor Swift

Peak: #1 (5x) | Weeks: 6

Streams: +2.4B

Pure Sales: 2,528,000 | SPS: 3,086,000


Peak: #2 (1x) | Weeks: 19

Streams: 372M

Pure Sales: 618,000 | SPS: 3,110,000

Peak: #1 (1x) | Weeks: 14

Streams: 250M

Pure Sales: 483,000 | SPS: 2,159,000


Peak: #2 (2x) | Weeks: 6

Streams: 153M

Pure Sales: 348,000 | SPS: 1,376,000

Peak: #1 (3x) | Weeks: 5

Streams: 148M

Pure Sales: 444,000 | SPS: 1,436,000

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