+10 votos
338 visitas
perguntou 21 Jun, 2019 em Charts por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)
editado 28 Jun, 2019 por TidharHayute

BILLBOARD HOT 100 Week Ending June 21,

#1. You Need To Calm Down (NEW) [+1,028,000 SPS]

#2. ME! (-1) Peak: #1 for 7 Weeks, [+350,700 SPS]

#3. Bad Guy (+5) Peak: #2, [+202,300 SPS]

#4. Spoil My Night (+1) NEW PEAK, [+198,500 SPS]

#5. Bury A Friend (+6) Peak: #2, [+190,500 SPS]

1 Resposta

+2 votos
respondida 21 Jun, 2019 por Katyanitta (101,643 pontos)

#1. You Need To Calm Down (NEW) [+1,028,000 SPS]

Resultado de imagem para taylor swift e katy perry

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