HOMECOMING: 2x Platinum

+11 votos
435 visitas
perguntou 16 Mai, 2019 em Geral por demyxo (2,829 pontos)

After selling 1.8 million pure copies + 194k SPS units, with a total sales figure of 2.09 million, HOMECOMING has been certified 2x platinum here in XOLand. Congratulations to the Queen Bey!

HOMECOMING has sold 160k pure copies this week and is expected to have a total SPS figure of 261k units sold this week and is predicted to spend another week at #3, after peaking at #1 twice.

2 Respostas

+1 voto
respondida 17 Mai, 2019 por Katyanitta (101,643 pontos)
+1 voto
respondida 17 Mai, 2019 por lucas_cantos (22,299 pontos)

Here HOMECOMING sold 961K copies in 5 weeks of charts. The album unfortunately was released at the same time as the current unexpected success, Cuz I Love You that never came out of # 1.

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