Sweetener - Ariana Grande; Vendas em SPS

+11 votos
398 visitas
perguntou 30 Abr, 2019 em Charts por uvaavu2004 (3,845 pontos)
editado 30 Abr, 2019 por uvaavu2004
Sweetener Sales; Desempenho de toda a era

No Tears Left To Cry: 3.208.690 SPS

breathin: 3.180.132 SPS

pete davidson: 3.035.078 SPS

R.E.M: 2.965.218 SPS

god is a woman: 2.677.528 SPS

the light is coming: 2.577.444 SPS

everytime: 1.934.644 SPS

get well soon: 1.503.748 SPS

successful: 1.441.158 SPS

sweetener: 1.300.500 SPS

better off: 1.180.374 SPS

goodnight n go: 938.078 SPS

borderline: 930.010 SPS

blazed: 668.414 SPS

TOTAL: 27.554.640 SPS

n contei raindrops pois só ouvi algumas vezes e tem bem poucas sales

3 Respostas

0 votos
respondida 30 Abr, 2019 por Deleted user (767 pontos)

Sweetener by Ariana Grande 

Sales: 10.157.900 (1× Diamante)

Peak: 1 (5×)

Weeks: 29   (24 Weeks in Top10)

Singles Sales: 

No Tears Left To Cry:  5.950.456

God Is A Woman: 6.277.302

Breathin: 4.197.269

The Light Is Coming: 2.145.868

Outras Músicas: 9.764.248

TOTAL ERA:   38.492.130

0 votos
respondida 30 Abr, 2019 por Deleted user (3,002 pontos)


Sweetener, Ariana Grande

SPS: 5.072.000


no tears left to cry

SPS: 2.098.000

God is a woman

SPS: 2.660.000


SPS: 2.814.000


raindrops (an angel cried): 60.000

blazed: 90.000

the light is coming: 136.000

R.E.M: 420.000

sweetener: 110.000

successful: 60.000

everytime: 812.000

borderline: 60.000

better off: 176.000

goodnight n go: 160.000

pete davidson: 100.000

get well soon: 496.000

Total: 15.324.000

0 votos
respondida 3 Jun, 2019 por forstavinski (12,649 pontos)

Sweetener by Ariana Grande 

Sales: 15.002.000 (1x diamante + 5x platina)

Peak: #1 (21x)

Weeks: 42 (42 Weeks in Top 10)

Singles Sales: 

No Tears Left To Cry:  6,906,000 (6x platina)

God Is A Woman: 6,341,000 (6x platina)

Breathin: 5,106,000 (5x platina)

The Light Is Coming: 4,049,000 (4x platina)

Sweetener: 4,521,000 (4x platina)

Outras Músicas: 38,229,000

TOTAL ERA:   65,152,000

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