New single from "LM5" by Little Mix in XOLAND!

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207 visitas
perguntou 26 Mar, 2019 em Anúncio por demyxo (2,829 pontos)
editado 26 Mar, 2019 por demyxo

Little Mix has been having a good era on the charts in XOLAND. Their lead single " Woman Like Me " featuring Nicki Minaj debuted at # 9 and peaked at # 2 four times non-consecutively. Spending 10 weeks on the chart (9 in the top 10) and selling 1,028,000 units earning at 1X platinum certification. The second single " American Boy " did not do as well as " Woman Like Me " but it was still a mild hit, it peaked at # 5, spent 6 weeks on the chart (1 in the top 10) and sold 426K units. The new single " Forget You Not " has been sent to radio in XOLAND and has impacted immediately . It is predicted to arrive at # 34 in it 'so far Will it become a hit? Only time will tell. 

1 Resposta

+2 votos
respondida 26 Mar, 2019 por Wilwasaa (45,440 pontos)
I hope so. It's been also a single here and reached the top and sold over 1 million copies
comentou 26 Mar, 2019 por demyxo (2,829 pontos)
Now predicted to enter at #22. It's improving.

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