+12 votos
226 visitas
perguntou 10 Mar, 2019 em Dúvidas por Shadowandluck (248 pontos)
Please help. I’m trying to create certification plaque but it always says ‘the image could not be loaded.’ I tried refreshing the page, deleted certifications and created them again but it’s still same. How can i solve that?

Por favor ajude. Estou tentando criar uma placa de certificação, mas ela sempre diz que "a imagem não pôde ser carregada". Tentei atualizar a página, excluí as certificações e as criei novamente, mas ainda é o mesmo. Como posso resolver isso?(from google translate)

1 Resposta

+5 votos
respondida 10 Mar, 2019 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
It is probably another bug in the sistem (we're having lots of them recently), I honestly don't know how to fix it, since it has never happened to me, but the certifications will probably work later if you wait (I hope so).

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