Only albums to sell 200K Pure for 3 Weeks:

+15 votos
347 visitas
perguntou 2 Mar, 2019 em Geral por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

thank u, next now joined Queen and reputation as the Only albums to sell 200K Pure Copies in a week for 3 weeks.

thank u, next predicted to sell 200K Digital Sales next week, which will make it as the Only album to sell that for a Month.

1 Resposta

+2 votos
respondida 3 Mar, 2019 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
Adele's new album sold it in a day here, 200k isn't really a achievement due to the high values that my plays have.
1 play = 6.500 sales
The album that sold the most in a week had 1.417.000 pure copies (Katy Perry's Witness).

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