Ariana Grande is making HISTORY

+15 votos
308 visitas
perguntou 22 Fev, 2019 em Geral por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

Ariana Grande continues to break records, this week she made history as the First Artist to have the No. #1 on Billboard Hot 100 and the No. 1# & 2# on Billboard 200 at the same time. 

2 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 22 Fev, 2019 por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

- In addition it's the first album to have 3 singles to Debut at No. #1.
- The first album to have 3 singles at No. #1 for more than a week.

0 votos
respondida 23 Fev, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
she’s so huge omg

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