'thank u, next' is the song with the most weeks at #1

+14 votos
257 visitas
perguntou 4 Jan, 2019 em Geral por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

'thank u, next' by Ariana Grande is now officially the song with the most weeks at Number #1 on Billboard Hot 100, having 7 Weeks at the top of the charts.

This record before 'thank u, next' was by 'FEFE'  and had 6 Weeks at  Number #1 on Billboard Hot 100.

Congrats, Ariana.

3 Respostas

+3 votos
respondida 4 Jan, 2019 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
Issa smash
+2 votos
respondida 4 Jan, 2019 por Katyanitta (101,643 pontos)


Resultado de imagem para ARIANA GRANDE GIFS

+1 voto
respondida 4 Jan, 2019 por JoaoV06 (4,476 pontos)

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