JAN: Reputation, Taylor Swift (#4 YEC)
FEV: Man of the Woods, Justin Timberlake (#6 YEC)
MAR: Black Panther: The Album, Various Artists (#10 YEC)
ABR: Invasion of Privacy, Cardi B (#5 YEC)
MAI: Invasion of Privacy, Cardi B (#5 YEC)
JUN: Scorpion, Drake (#1 YEC)
JUL: Scorpion, Drake (#1 YEC)
AGO: Scorpion, Drake (#1 YEC)
SET: Scorpion, Drake (#1 YEC)
OUT: A Star Is Born Soundtrack, Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (#2 YEC)
NOV: A Star Is Born Soundtrack, Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (#2 YEC)
DEZ: Icarus Falls, ZAYN (#8 YEC)