+8 votos
248 visitas
perguntou 1 Dez, 2018 em Off-Topic por talissonssouza (9,343 pontos)

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Previsão debut: #1

Vendas: 413.640 (PURE)

2 Respostas

+2 votos
respondida 1 Dez, 2018 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)

PHOENIX - Rita Ora
DEBUT #1 | PURE 45k | SPS 185k 


+1 voto
respondida 1 Dez, 2018 por hadoman (322 pontos)
Well it debuted at number one, but there's an error in my reporting. ZERO Charts has it as Liam Payne, saying the album sold 51k, when says the album has sold 35k. So not sure what has happened there.
comentou 1 Dez, 2018 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
You have to delete all the streams of For You with the tag of the album

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