Only songs with 1M Pure Sales

+16 votos
599 visitas
perguntou 13 Nov, 2018 em Geral por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

Here, getting 1M Sales in Pure is impossible to do, and yet only 2 songs managed to sell Million Pure Sales.

At the moment only FEFE and Delicate were able to do this.

FEFE is currently the best selling song in Pure ever, with almost 1,100,000 Pure Copies, While Delicate just sold 1M Copies with 1,008,000 Pure.

Delicate is currently the best selling in SPS with almost 5,400,000 Copies while FEFE sold almost 3,800,000.

4 Respostas

+3 votos
respondida 14 Nov, 2018 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
Delicate smash. I have zero since March, so more than 60 songs have reached this milestone, the song that sold the most is Blank Space, with 4.340.000 pure sold.
comentou 14 Nov, 2018 por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)
Taylor Swift Queen of POP
comentou 14 Nov, 2018 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
Only facts here
+3 votos
respondida 14 Nov, 2018 por senagux (866 pontos)

2 smashs on this topic, but on my chart, NO singles ultrapassed the mark of 1,000,000 of pure copies...

+3 votos
respondida 14 Nov, 2018 por Deleted user (17,350 pontos)
Only ntltc here
+3 votos
respondida 14 Nov, 2018 por HeyWedding (11,227 pontos)
Best-selling songs (pure sales)

#13 Ariana Grande - breathin | 1M
#12 (G)I-DLE - Hann (한) | 1,2M
#11 Ariana Grande - God is a woman | 1,3M
#10 Little Mix - Power | 1,3M
#09 TWICE - TT | 1,3M
#08 TWICE - Likey | 1,4M
#07 Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do | 1,4M
#06 BLACKPINK - DDU-DU DDU-DU (뚜두뚜두) | 1,4M
#05 BLACKPINK - BOOMBAYAH (붐바야) | 1,6M
#04 Ariana Grande - Touch It | 2,4M
#03 (G)I-DLE - LATATA (라타타) | 2,5M
#02 Ariana Grande - no tears left to cry | 2,9M
#01 BLACKPINK - As If It's Your Last (마지막처럼) | 4,3M

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