Do álbum mais rápido a receber certificado de Ouro, Platina e agora 2X Platina.
SPS: 2.005.000
CHART RUN: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - ...
SPS: 2.315.571
CHART RUN: 8 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - ...
#1 (4x) Shallow | 3.682.283 | #1 (2x) Always Remember Us This Way | 1.774.256 | #2 I'll Never Love Again | 1.290.278 | #3 (2x) Is That Alright? | 1.320.341 | #4 Music To My Eyes | 1.010.273 | #5 (2x) Before I Cry | 1.070.278 | #6 I Don't Know What Love Is | 772.233 | #7 (2x) Look What I Found | 856.251 | #7 Heal Me | 924.264 | #8 Why Did You Do That? | 818.268 | #10 (2x) Hair Body Face | 858.253 | #12 Diggin' My Grave | 646.239 | #13 (2x) Too Far Gone | 526.218 |
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