KATY PERRY: Teenage Dream Era

+25 votos
530 visitas
perguntou 17 Out, 2018 em Off-Topic por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
editado 22 Out, 2018 por porpinao



PEAK #1 
PURE 1,003,000
SPS 4,157,000



CALIFORNIA GURLS / #2 / SPS 1,130,000 
TEENAGE DREAM #2  / SPS 2,324,000 / 
FIREWORK #3 / SPS 1,002,000 / 
E.T. #4 / SPS 2,606,000 / 
LAST FRIDAY NIGHT (T.G.I.F.) #3 / SPS 552,000 / 
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY / #15 / SPS 502,000 / 
PART OF ME  / #3 / SPS 1,622,000 / 
WIDE AWAKE / #6 / SPS 100,000

3 Respostas

+5 votos
respondida 18 Out, 2018 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)
selecionada 18 Out, 2018 por porpinao
Melhor resposta

TEENAGE DREAM + confection
PEAK #1 
PURE 10,672,780
SPS 18,574,048


CALIFORNIA GURLS / #1 / SPS 5,304,000 
TEENAGE DREAM / #1  / SPS 8,333,000 / 
FIREWORK / #1 / SPS 7,346,000 / 
E.T. / #1 / SPS 5,206,000 / 
LAST FRIDAY NIGHT (T.G.I.F.) / #1 / SPS 4,172,000 / 
THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY / #1/ SPS 9,042,000 / 
PART OF ME  / #2 / SPS 3,158,000 / 
WIDE AWAKE / #2 / SPS 4,706,000 

PEACOCK / #5 / SPS 4,128,000 ​
NOT LIKE THAT MOVIES / #23 / SPS 2,038,000 ​
CIRCLE THE DRAIN / #2 / SPS 901,000 
DRESSIN' UP / #6 / SPS 1,625,000 ​
PEARL / #45 / SPS 193,000 
WHO I AM LIVING FOR? / -- / SPS 110,000 

comentou 22 Out, 2018 por porpinao (66,249 pontos)
+4 votos
respondida 18 Out, 2018 por JoaoV06 (4,476 pontos)

Teenage Dream: álbum

Peak: #1 (2x)

Weeks: 44

Pure Sales: 1.181.000

Streams: 2.668.000

SPS: 3.849.000



CALIFORNIA GURLS / #4 / SPS 1.226.000 

FIREWORK / #5 / SPS 1.614.000 / 

WIDE AWAKE / #6 / SPS 720.000 / 

LAST FRIDAY NIGHT (T.G.I.F.) / #7 / SPS 1.538.000 / 

E.T. / #9 / SPS 954.000 / 

TEENAGE DREAM / #14  / SPS 1.302.000 / 

PART OF ME  / #18 / SPS 910.000 / 

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY / #28 / SPS 786.000 / 

+5 votos
respondida 18 Out, 2018 por Neurison01 (14,645 pontos)

Posição: #4 - 2x 

Semanas: 13

Vendas totais: 3.229.428

Certificação: 3x Platinum. 


1 single - Califórnia gurls - 1.000.000

2 single - E. T - 1.000.000 

3 single - Last Friday Night - 500.000 

4 single - Not Like The Movies - 410.000

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