Majesty é o 4° Single Oficial do Queen.

+19 votos
312 visitas
perguntou 2 Out, 2018 em Charts por Deleted user (33,061 pontos)
Nicki Enviara para as radios do EUA no dia 16 de outubro.

4 Respostas

+7 votos
respondida 2 Out, 2018 por Deleted user (61,568 pontos)
selecionada 6 Out, 2018 por Deleted user
Melhor resposta
Agora é só fazer um clipe bem feito e criativo, pagar uns jabás e o hit vem
Aliás o hino já foi #1 aqui
+4 votos
respondida 2 Out, 2018 por rafha-music (46,048 pontos)
De verdade? Sério? O hino já é single aqui, foi #2
+7 votos
respondida 2 Out, 2018 por TidharHayute (3,356 pontos)

It was never a single here, but peaked 2 and got blocked by another Queen non single "Good Form".

Barbie Dreams  is currently the single, (Spent 7 total Weeks and never left the top 10.) It's also the 8th Best Selling Song even in pure and nicki's 2nd Best Selling Solo in pure.

If Majesty mv would also be released on the 16th than it will effect Bd sales (in a bad way; cause BD will be single here until the first week of Novembe) and also Majesty Sales. Also, the hype of Majesty’s MV before making it a single here would make it to be a non successful single here and only the 2 weeks since the release of the mv (if it will release on the 16th) would be the song best selling weeks and that’s without  being a single and without  being send to radio here, that will prevent the song from reaching higher selling weeks.

+6 votos
respondida 2 Out, 2018 por swmeoldmars (53,230 pontos)
aqui não tem single desde que a tag de ganja burns foi mudada kkkk

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