Quanto vendeu no seu país as músicas..

+21 votos
680 visitas
perguntou 23 Set, 2018 em Charts por Deleted user (24,305 pontos)

Quanto vendeu no seu país as músicas indicadas na categoria ''Melhor Música'' no prêmio Prêmio Zero-Show 2018?

No Tears Left To CryI Like ItDelicateFall In LineGod is a Woman
Peak: #1 (3x)Peak: #3Peak: #2Peak: #5 (2x)Peak: #1
SPS: 4,530,000SPS: 1,904,000SPS: 1,872,000SPS: 1,816,000SPS: 2,098,000

Confira os outros indicados no Prêmio Zero-Show 2018 http://zerocharts.com.br/qa/100277/pr%C3%AAmio-zero-show-leopol-indicados

17 Respostas

+8 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por Deleted user (61,568 pontos)
No Tears Left To CryI Like ItDelicateFall In LineGod is a Woman
Peak: #1 (6x)Peak: OUTPeak: #1 (1x)Peak: OUTPeak: #5
SPS: 3,9MSPS: 0SPS: 4,4MSPS: 10kSPS: 1,4M
 (7x)- (8x)- (2x)
+5 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por swmeoldmars (53,230 pontos)
#1 (3x) no tears left to cry: +6,3mi
#1 (8x) God is a woman: +5,2mi
#3 (2x) Delicate: +3,8mi
#31 Fall In Line: +300k
#OUT I Like It: +20k
+6 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)

#1 (2x). no tears left to cry - 12.883.000 (1x Diamante e 2x Platina)

#50. I Like It - 90.000 

#5. Delicate - 2.913.000 (2x Platina)

#1. Fall In Line - 4.345.000 (4x Platina

#1. God Is A Woman - 9.276.000 (9x Platina)

+6 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por LucasCattani (1,989 pontos)
DelicateFall In LineGod is a WomanI Like ItNo Tears Left to Cry
Peak: OUTPeak: 7x1Peak: 2x1Peak: 7x1Peak: 2x1
SPS: 6,000SPS: 754,000SPS: 1,086,000SPS: 1,050,000SPS: 1,424,000



+6 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por gabrielblueice (53,446 pontos)

#1(5x) no tears left to cry - 4,686,858 | 4x

#1(2x) god is a woman - 2,862,552 | 2x

#2 Fall In Line - 1,400,509

#12 Delicate - 398,145

#31 I Like It - 160,028

+5 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por carloshennrique (57,430 pontos)
editado 23 Set, 2018 por carloshennrique
No Tears Left To CryI Like ItDelicateFall In LineGod is a Woman
Peak: #1 (2x)Peak: #10Peak: #1 (2x)Peak: #1 (2x)Peak: #1 (2x)
SPS: 11,831,372SPS: 3,232,114SPS: 11,601,568SPS: 1,638,615SPS: 4,754,892
+4 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por Lucas153 (29,398 pontos)
No Tears Left To CryI Like ItDelicateFall In LineGod is a Woman
Peak: #1 (4x)Peak: #1Peak: #1Peak: #25Peak: #1 (3x)
SPS: 6,0500,000SPS: 3,346,000SPS: 3,758,000SPS: 484,000SPS: 3,149,000

coitada da xtina, unica flopada da lista 

+4 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por lucasmd14 (31,930 pontos)
NTLTC: Peak #13 (x4), 2.9M SPS e 5x Platina
GIAW:  Peak #1, 2.8M e 5x Platina
Delicate: Peak #3, 2.7M e 5x Platina (isso sem contar com o remix que vendeu 1.1M)
I Like: It
+4 votos
respondida 23 Set, 2018 por DavidJauregui (16,353 pontos)
No Tears Left To CryI Like ItDelicateFall In LineGod is a Woman
Peak: #3Peak: #4Peak: OUTPeak: #3 (2x)Peak: #2 (x2)
SPS: 1.504.730SPS: 1.139.800SPS: 690.000SPS: 2.503.504SPS: 3.925.056
+4 votos
respondida 24 Set, 2018 por FagnerZurc (2,620 pontos)

#1 (4x) No Tears Left To Cry  - 3.681.000 (3xPlatina)

#1 (1x) God is a Woman - 1.318.000 (1xPlatina)

#4 (2x) I Like It - 2.370.000 (2xPlatina)

#12 (2x) Fall In Line - 461.000

#34 (1x) Delicate - 79.000

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