SWEETENER: Desempenho da era

+24 votos
890 visitas
perguntou 21 Set, 2018 em Charts por ev_snsdty (23,530 pontos)


PEAK #1 (6x) | WEEKS 20


raindrops (an angel cried) | #7 | 1.008.000 | 
blazed | #8 | 934.000 | 
the light is coming | #1 | 1.704.000 | 
R.E.M | #12 | 788.000 |  
God is a woman | #1(2x) | 3.060.000 | 
sweetener | #20 | 532.000 | 
succesful | #23 | 548.000 | 
everytime | #4 | 1.178.000 | 
breathin | #3 | 1.168.000 | 
no tears left to cry | #1 | 4.206.000 | 
borderline | #17 | 778.000 | 
better off | #16 | 690.000 | 
goodnight n go | #1 | 1.932.000 | 
pete davidson | #22 | 484.000 | 
get well soon | #3 | 740.000 | 

total era sales


14 Respostas

+8 votos
respondida 21 Set, 2018 por gabrielblueice (53,446 pontos)


Peak: #1(3x) | WEEKS: 5

2,072,472 | 2x


no tears left to cry | #1(5x) | 4,686,858 | 4x

God Is A Woman | #1(2x) | 2,842,554 | 2x

breathin | #1 | 1,254,385 | 

the ligh is coming | #8 | 954,272 | 

R.E.M | #6 | 554,224 | 



+7 votos
respondida 21 Set, 2018 por Henryadm1 (14,188 pontos)

Peak: #1 5x / Weeks: 14

SPS: 4,8M 



Peak: #1 2x  / Weeks: 19

SPS: 5.1M


Peak: #1 1x / Weeks: 9

SPS: 2.4M 


Peak: #4 / Weeks: 4

SPS: 1M 



Raindrops: #6

Blazed: OUT

TLIC: #1

R.e.m: #26

Sweetener: #9

Successful: #27

everytime: #10

borderline: OUT

better of: #43

g. n go: #1 

pete d: #13

get well soon: #10

+6 votos
respondida 21 Set, 2018 por Ed_Silvah (19,805 pontos)


Peak: #1 (5x) | Weeks: 14 (Pré Venda + Lançamento Oficial)

SPS: 18.442.000 

Pure Sales: 8.410.000

Streams: 1.889.446.106


#1. no tears left to cry | Weeks: 19 12.883.000 SPS

#1. the light is coming | Weeks: 10 5.620.000 SPS

#1. God Is A Woman | Weeks: 10 9.276.000 SPS

#1. successful | Weeks: 3.340.000 SPS

#2. goodnight n go | Weeks: 3.368.000 SPS

#3. better off | Weeks: 3.381.000 SPS

#6. breathin | Weeks: 1.326.000 SPS 

#7. R.E.M | Weeks: 1.299.000 SPS

#8. get well soon | Weeks: 1.326.000 SPS

#9. pete davidson | Weeks: 1.357.000 SPS

#10. blazed | Weeks: 1.411.000 SPS

#11. borderline | Weeks: 1.379.000 SPS

#11. everytime | Weeks: 1.464.000 SPS

#13. raindrops | Weeks: 1.405.000 SPS

#14. sweetener | Weeks: 1.204.000 SPS


+6 votos
respondida 21 Set, 2018 por DanicoSwan15 (4,991 pontos)
como vcs colocam esses discos

surtei quero aprender
comentou 21 Set, 2018 por Luiz-Filipe (22,060 pontos)
vc usa celular ou pc? se for pc, é só copiar e colar, se for celular, vc coloca na versão desktop, copia o link dos discos e cola no ícone de imagem
+5 votos
respondida 21 Set, 2018 por Deleted user (3,048 pontos)
editado 21 Set, 2018 por Deleted user


PEAK: #2 (2x) || WEEKS: 8

SPS: 2.797.095   

early predictions this week: #1 (NEW PEAK)


No Tears Left To Cry: peak: #3||sps: 914k|| 

God Is a Woman: peak: #9||sps: 1.155.438||

pete davidson: peak: #1||sps: 899.274||

raindrops: peak: #3||sps: 587.184||

better off: peak #4||sps: 727.248||||next week: #1

breathin: peak: #23||sps: 505.188|| 

sweetener: peak: #18|| sps: 453.168



+4 votos
respondida 21 Set, 2018 por Lucholerma (17,179 pontos)

PEAK (#2) - WEEKS (5)



#40 - raindrops (an angel cried) - 104.016

#46 - blazed ft. Pharrell Williams - 92.010

#11 - the light is coming ft. Nicki Minaj - 1.030.257 

#49 - R.E.M - 57.900

(OUT) - God is a woman - 79.900

#9 - sweetener - 414.105

(OUT) - successful - 49.900

(OUT) - everytime - 29.900

#49 - breathin - 48.000

#1 - no tears left to cry - 5.079.297 

(OUT) - borderline ft. Missy Elliot - 19.200

(OUT) - better off - 18.000

(OUT) - goodnight n go - 19.000

(OUT) - pete davidson - 10.000

(OUT) - get well soon - 40.000

TOTAL ERA: 7.852.772

+4 votos
respondida 22 Set, 2018 por Deleted user (26,948 pontos)

PEAK: #1 (4x) WEEKS: 5

1.770.000 SPS

raindrops (an angel cried): #5| 668.000 SPS| 

blazed: #3| 398.000 SPS

the light is coming: #1| 1.834.000 SPS| 

R.E.M: #4| 438.000 SPS

God is a woman: #1 (4x)| 1.662.000 SPS| 

sweetener: #14| 340.000 SPS

successful: #6| 242.000 SPS

everytime: #1| 800.000 SPS| 

breathin: #1 (3x)| 1.102.000 SPS| 

no tears left to cry: #2 (2x)| 3.188.000 SPS| 

borderline: #7| 612.000 SPS| 

better off: #22| 396.000 SPS

goodnight n go: #3| 604.000 SPS| 

pete davidson: #19| 176.000 SPS

get well soon: #42| 52.000 SPS

TOTAL SALES: 11.844.000 SPS

+3 votos
respondida 22 Set, 2018 por aci0ly (12,124 pontos)

Peak: #1 - 4 weeks

Weeks: 5

SPS: 1,000,000


Chart - Run

1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 3


#10 RAINDROPS | 532,000 Ouro

#7 BLAZED | 558,000 Ouro

#1 THE LIGHT IS COMING | 1,494,000 Platina

#5 R.E.M | 562,000 Ouro

#1 GOD IS A WOMAN | 2,236,000 PlatinaPlatina

#4 SWEETENER | 606,000 Ouro

#12 SUCCESSFUL | 576,000 Ouro

#9 EVERYTIME | 614,000 Ouro

#2 BREATHIN | 854,000 Ouro

#1 NO TEARS LEFT TO CRY | 4,134,000 PlatinaPlatinaPlatinaPlatina

#8 BORDERLINE | 556,000 Ouro

#6 BETTER OFF | 546,000 Ouro

#4 GOODNIGHT N GO | 570,000 Ouro

#12 PETE DAVIDSON | 538,000 Ouro

#10 GET WELL SOON | 542,000 Ouro

*Unico álbum com todas as músicas certificadas

+3 votos
respondida 22 Set, 2018 por Eziosds (21,451 pontos)



Peak: #1(2x)

W: 7

SPS: 1.247.000

STREAM: 664.000.000



#1 God Is a Woman | 887.000 sps Platina

#2 No Tears Left To Cry | 678.000 sps Platina

#2 Breathin | 494.000 sps Ouro

#40 Bordeline | 27.000 sps 

+3 votos
respondida 22 Set, 2018 por Deleted user (24,305 pontos)

Weeks: 5

Peak: #1 (3x)

Pure Sales: 116,000

SPS: 610,000

#1 (3x) No Tears Left To Cry | 4,530,000

#1 God is a Woman | 2,088,000 

#1 The Light Is Coming (feat. Nicki Minaj) | 1,588,000

#1 breathin | 810,000 

#7 everytime | 152,000

#9 Sweetener | 124,000

#11 raindrops (an angel cried) | 188,000

#13 Goodnight n Go | 134,000

#14 Blazed (feat. Pharrell Williams) | 94,000

#18 Pete Davidson | 96,000

#20 Better Off | 96,000

#23 Borderline (feat. Missy Elliott) | 86,000

#43 Successful | 26,000

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